Thursday, May 02, 2024

Tales from Internet Grandma

This morning, encouraged by being able to revive this old blog, I was having a dig through my archive drive (it's name is Snoopy!). While being slightly overwhelmed at HOW MUCH STUFF I'VE MADE on my various computers since 1997, I was delighted to find these little gems, which I thought I'd share. 

See, I started my internet journey on Windows PCs and stuck with them until I moved to California and was finally convinced to adopt a Macbook. I spent a considerable amount of my free time in the 00's making pixel art, a most addictive activity! That included desktop icons.

So here is a batch of Win icons I made in 2004. I consulted my stash of 50's Good Housekeeping magazines to find the best of the kitschiest 50's food to try and fit in a 32x32 pixel square.

I may share some more Internet Grandma items from my archives, there's some good stuff in there :)

(Also, yeah, most of the images are gone from the earliest posts on this blog, they were all hosted on either imageshack or an old domain I no longer have. They gawn, kids, cuz no WAY am I editing all those haha!)

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Well. Greetings, old AND new Internet. Thought I'd brush this old thing off, mend a few things, trim some fraying ends off and give it some wellie!
There's been a lot of art I've wanted to post on IG but the square format just won't work for it. I deleted FB years ago, abandoned Twitter last year, Devart is a dumpster fire of AI, I can't even get into my old LJ any more to gather anything I might have had worth keeping there and Tumblr is a bit too much of a reblog firehose for me these days, more like a digital hoard, where I share shiny things other people have made.

Kinda be nice to have a MACRO-blog again, with less emphasis on THE CAREER and more on everyday brainfarts that need more than 120 characters.

While I'm waiting for any of of the 3 big projects I'm working on to come through with material ANY DAY NOW, I've been trying to do some loosen-up doodling every day or so, looking up stock pose models and seeing what I can adapt them to. This is today's.
I'm not a HUGE Mermay person but it's never a bad time to draw a fishy redhead.