Friday, August 29, 2008

Random shtuff - Labor Day ed.

If you haven't looked at my Flickr lately, I recently spent a week in Springfield IL, helping my mother-in-law clean out the home of her late parents. These two old dears were incurable packrats(like most of my husband's family ;)) and as well as uncovering heaps of old photos and family history, I also saved a mountain of vintage ephemera from the dumpster.
Unfortunately, I didn't get much drawing done. Make that none. Bad me :/
I'm now finally starting to filter through the stuff and use it for some inspiration...

I found a stack of old school photos of my mother-in-law's classmates from 54-56. Some priceless expressions on these kids.

We went to Oregon Zoo a few weeks back. Just a couple of toon birds adapted from the sketches.

There's an old 50's band-aid commercial with a plethora of kiddie Oooohs and Aaaaahs!


eyemage said...

been looking at the pack rat set on flickr...

i can only imagine your expressions upon uncovering such treasures.

Ben Balistreri said...

Great art Amy! I'm also totally digging that chick picking her nose right below this post!