Thursday, May 02, 2024

Tales from Internet Grandma

This morning, encouraged by being able to revive this old blog, I was having a dig through my archive drive (it's name is Snoopy!). While being slightly overwhelmed at HOW MUCH STUFF I'VE MADE on my various computers since 1997, I was delighted to find these little gems, which I thought I'd share. 

See, I started my internet journey on Windows PCs and stuck with them until I moved to California and was finally convinced to adopt a Macbook. I spent a considerable amount of my free time in the 00's making pixel art, a most addictive activity! That included desktop icons.

So here is a batch of Win icons I made in 2004. I consulted my stash of 50's Good Housekeeping magazines to find the best of the kitschiest 50's food to try and fit in a 32x32 pixel square.

I may share some more Internet Grandma items from my archives, there's some good stuff in there :)

(Also, yeah, most of the images are gone from the earliest posts on this blog, they were all hosted on either imageshack or an old domain I no longer have. They gawn, kids, cuz no WAY am I editing all those haha!)

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Well. Greetings, old AND new Internet. Thought I'd brush this old thing off, mend a few things, trim some fraying ends off and give it some wellie!
There's been a lot of art I've wanted to post on IG but the square format just won't work for it. I deleted FB years ago, abandoned Twitter last year, Devart is a dumpster fire of AI, I can't even get into my old LJ any more to gather anything I might have had worth keeping there and Tumblr is a bit too much of a reblog firehose for me these days, more like a digital hoard, where I share shiny things other people have made.

Kinda be nice to have a MACRO-blog again, with less emphasis on THE CAREER and more on everyday brainfarts that need more than 120 characters.

While I'm waiting for any of of the 3 big projects I'm working on to come through with material ANY DAY NOW, I've been trying to do some loosen-up doodling every day or so, looking up stock pose models and seeing what I can adapt them to. This is today's.
I'm not a HUGE Mermay person but it's never a bad time to draw a fishy redhead.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Darn kids, get off my rink

Replace the skates with crutches and make me 30 years younger... and very very little has changed.

April 22

Playing with two new shiny programs: Above, Painter Sketch Pad
Below, Photoshop CS5 and a 1961 Bride & Home magazine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Corel Painter Sketch Pad

This comes with the current range of Wacom Intuos tablets.
Holy crap, this is a truly beautiful, SIMPLE sketching program.
This belongs on the Ipad, if they can only get those styluses a LITTLE more pointy...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let the Ruination of Health Begin!

It's that time of year, campers..

This year James Silvani and I are on an epic quest to see how many con tables we can snag at the last possible minute :)

First up - Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle.
I will be at table M12 with Cars artist Allen Gladfelter while James rocks the Boom! kids booth with custom Darkwing Duck sketch covers.

Two weeks later, James and I will be at table B5 at C2E2 in Chicago.
It's the con's second year and the growth is remarkable.

We'll be selling original art, sketch cards, prints, books and sketch covers :)

We're still waiting to hear from Wondercon and Heroescon, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, here's a pic of Boo in a panda suit.
Made for my smashing editor at IDW.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Winter cleaning

Nothing like digging through your HD for something else and finding a page of digital doodles you totally forgot you did!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brown Book roundup

Mishmash of stuff. First batch is from Drink and Draw night in LA during Long Beach

And a Batgirl, because Silvani ordered me to: